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Die Messer von Vittorio Mura e Figli in Santulussurgiu, Taschenmesser, Messerschmiede Vittorio Mura e Figli, sardische messer, sardische hirtenmesser, messer aus pattada, messer aus Sardinien, Sa Resolza das sardische Hirtenmesser, Damast Messer, typisch sardische Messer, mufflon


Commento n. 0183 del 31/01/2025 ore 11:29:40

Wunderschönes Messer ein Kunstwerk. Bestellung; Montag 13 00 Uhr Bezahlt , Donnerstag 11 00 Uhr Messer bekommen, schneller geht nicht !!! Ich möchte mich nochmals bedanken ! schöne Grüße aus Österreich (Klaffer am Hochficht) Bauer Harald

Sig./ra Bauer Harald, Klaffer

Commento n. 0182 del 02/02/2024 ore 08:31:03

Very good and beautiful knife. Shipping was very fast with professional packaging.

Sig./ra Fabrizio Bratzu, Villasor

Commento n. 0181 del 25/04/2023 ore 12:13:37

I purchased another Antonio Contini Damascus Knife from Tradizioni Sarde Export. What a work of art! the shipping was very fast and received the knife in only 1 week. Tradizioni Sarde Export is a very professional place to purchase hi-end knives made by traditional masters. Highly recommend!

Sig./ra John Antonio Correia, Hazleton

Commento n. 0180 del 23/02/2023 ore 00:15:32

Hello Antonio, Thank you for the very fast shipping & professional manner that you handled this transaction. I received the knife in less than a week! The Antonio Contini damascus knife is a exquisite piece of art that I'm very happy to add to my collection. Looking forward to future business! Distinti saluti, John A C

Sig./ra John Correia, USA

Commento n. 0179 del 03/02/2023 ore 21:36:46

I have been looking at your knives, anyone can tell the work of a Master. Do you make lefthanded knives? I have an old Sicilian switchblade that my uncle brought me back from Sicily and the right-handed button always feels awkward. I'm 72 years old and I'm not concerned with wait times. I'm looking at one of the Beautiful push button knives. Thank you for your time. John Malone, Mother's Maiden name ILardi from Sicily, and there is nothing like old school Craftmanship

Sig./ra John malone, Concrete

Commento n. 0178 del 16/10/2021 ore 09:12:57

Buonasera, ho ricevuto il mio ordine grazie per la vostra gentilezza, per la vostra velocità così come l'incisione, non esiterò a contattarvi di nuovo o raccomandarvi se necessario, grazie mille

Sig./ra Pierre Picchereddu, Vitrolles

Commento n. 0177 del 03/09/2021 ore 13:21:30

vielen Dank ! - Ein wunderschönes Messer ! Ein Kunstwerk ! alles hat seriös geklappt , ciao fs

Sig./ra Frank Schindler, Kaiseraugst

Commento n. 0176 del 01/05/2021 ore 08:09:22

Hat super geklappt Das Messer ist sehr schön wie in der Abbildung. Die Lieferung war schnell bei mir kann man nur weiterempfehlen.

Sig./ra Peter Schwarzl, Stockerau

Commento n. 0175 del 09/12/2020 ore 17:19:49

Grazie della gran disponibilità e genitilezza, il regalo è stupendo!!! Grazie 1000

Sig./ra Casciani Francesca, Gorizia

Commento n. 0174 del 29/04/2020 ore 18:34:37

Thank you for the delivirance. It worked out perfect! I hope the next order will work out the same. Best wishish Clas Södergren

Sig./ra Clas Gustav Södergren, Hägersten


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